Sunday, November 3, 2013

The September Eleventh Conspiracy

On September 11th 2001, the Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial airliners which were used for suicide attacks. Three of these hijacked airliners hit their targets which were the two World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon while the other plane crashed.  The plane that failed to reach its target was due to a revolt by the passengers on the airliner and crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

One of the towers being struck.
The conspiracy here is that these attacks were either allowed to happen or they were orchestrated by the United States government. The other theory is that the two World Trade Center buildings collapsed due to a controlled demolition and that the pentagon was actually hit by an American missile. The motive for all of these attacks was to supposedly justify an invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I could understand a controlled demolition of the two World Trade Center after the attack, if it was done to prevent the towers from collapsing on other nearby buildings which would prevent more casualties. The only problem with this is that the theory states that these explosives were placed prior to the attack which in that case looks mighty suspicious. The idea that the pentagon was hit by an American missile is a bit preposterous in my mind because it’s such a waste in almost every way. It’s a waste of time, money, resources and most importantly human lives. For these reasons I don’t think the United States government planned these attacks but the idea that they knew about them before they happened isn’t that crazy. Supposedly, the government knew about the attacks and let them happen so they could justify an invasion in the Middle East. This would allow them to enter that region; the main reason theorists believe they would want to enter this region is for oil. So now the government has a justifiable reason to enter the region to acquire oil.

The wreckage of the crash at the Pentagon.
This is the only conspiracy that I could see being real as it seems more realistic. In reality though I believe the attacks were orchestrated by al-Qaeda and not the government and that they are responsible for these tragedies. I just think the government didn’t handle the situation as well as they could have; had they of handled it properly I don’t think this topic would have any conspiracies but I think they acted on pure adrenaline. Let’s be honest how does one even respond to an event like this and not make others ask questions?

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