Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Bermuda Triangle

 The Bermuda Triangle is a triangle formed in the western Atlantic Ocean between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. It has been the crash site of many naval and aerial ships over the past 50 years. There are a significant percentage of ships that have ended up under the surface of these waters; most of the incidents were suspicious and not properly documented. The Bermuda Triangle was not recognized as one of the top ten most dangerous shipping in the world by the World Wide Fund for Nature

The boundaries of the Bermuda triangle.

 Explanations of these mysterious events range from the natural and more probable causes to the less probable and supernatural causes. Supernatural explanations are mostly attributed to extraterrestrials and UFO’s although some blame these events on the technology of the lost city of Atlantis. The more reasonable explanations are attributed to violent weather, human error and malfunctioning compasses. Another interesting explanation is that the methane hydrates under the continental shelves are to blame. These methane hydrates or natural gas decrease water density which in turn decrease the buoyancy of ships and will rapidly sink them into the depths. It has been awhile since I’ve heard any news concerning the triangle and for that reason it raises skepticism in my mind. 
Aliens and the triangle.

 The fact that this area is so dangerous at one point in history and now it is no longer dangerous is strange. The first few disappearances in this region happened around the time the Roswell incident occurred which raises an eyebrow in those that believe aliens did crash. The idea that aliens are the cause of these problems is ridiculous in my opinion unless there actually were aliens that crashed in Roswell. In my opinion, the Bermuda Triangle is a region that went through a rough patch in its history and decided to take out all of its frustrations on anyone that dared to cross through its territory. Now it has made peace with its demons and is no longer looking to harm others. In all honesty I think it’s all just a big coincidence, a combination of unrelated events mostly caused by human error, violent storms and freak accidents.


  1. Hello,
    Well I am really interested in the Bermuda Triangle and what causes all of these weird crashes and boats that disappeared without explanation in that area of the sea. I really hope that all of these questions will be answered by people and then there will be no more curiosity if there are aliens or not that walk among us.

  2. I've always wondered what was going on in the Bermuda triangle. There should probably be a logical explanation but with all the ships that have gone missing it seems it can't just be a coincidence. However since the disappearances have stopped I guess i'll just have to agree with you.

  3. The only thing that evidence seems to point at these days is that it's all coincidental. In a way its like the Carnival Cruise line, it has just suffered a series of unfortunate events. Now they seemed to have passed and for that reason I seriously doubt that any supernatural activity actually happened in this region.

  4. I've always why people always said planes and ships always go around the Bermuda triangle because once someone goes in it, they never come out. I mean, what could possibly go on in there that at one point everything that passed through it disappeared? Reading this blog however helped me understand the Bermuda triangle and what happened in the past with it even more. Cant wait to read more !

  5. Source? Watch out, some of your text is impossible to read on your background. Be careful about overloading us with too much information at once, (i.e. supernatural, Atlantis, aliens, methane hydrates etc.) Make sure to explain them one at a time, before you jump to the next one.
