Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Bermuda Triangle

 The Bermuda Triangle is a triangle formed in the western Atlantic Ocean between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. It has been the crash site of many naval and aerial ships over the past 50 years. There are a significant percentage of ships that have ended up under the surface of these waters; most of the incidents were suspicious and not properly documented. The Bermuda Triangle was not recognized as one of the top ten most dangerous shipping in the world by the World Wide Fund for Nature

The boundaries of the Bermuda triangle.

 Explanations of these mysterious events range from the natural and more probable causes to the less probable and supernatural causes. Supernatural explanations are mostly attributed to extraterrestrials and UFO’s although some blame these events on the technology of the lost city of Atlantis. The more reasonable explanations are attributed to violent weather, human error and malfunctioning compasses. Another interesting explanation is that the methane hydrates under the continental shelves are to blame. These methane hydrates or natural gas decrease water density which in turn decrease the buoyancy of ships and will rapidly sink them into the depths. It has been awhile since I’ve heard any news concerning the triangle and for that reason it raises skepticism in my mind. 
Aliens and the triangle.

 The fact that this area is so dangerous at one point in history and now it is no longer dangerous is strange. The first few disappearances in this region happened around the time the Roswell incident occurred which raises an eyebrow in those that believe aliens did crash. The idea that aliens are the cause of these problems is ridiculous in my opinion unless there actually were aliens that crashed in Roswell. In my opinion, the Bermuda Triangle is a region that went through a rough patch in its history and decided to take out all of its frustrations on anyone that dared to cross through its territory. Now it has made peace with its demons and is no longer looking to harm others. In all honesty I think it’s all just a big coincidence, a combination of unrelated events mostly caused by human error, violent storms and freak accidents.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Roswell Incident

Area 51 and Roswell, New Mexico have been a hot topic since the crash of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the late 1940’s. To be brief, a UFO was said to have crashed onto a ranch in 1947. The official reports say it was a weather balloon, but it was at first described as being a disk, like a flying saucer. Around a month earlier a pilot said he saw a flying disk in Washington State and because the Rancher heard about it, he brought this thought to the authorities. After the authorities were alerted, the site was completely cleaned up with some of the debris taken to an aeronautical research facility in Ohio. Now this indicates no connection between the base and the incident because technically there is no connection. 
Aerial view of Area 51 courtesy of Google.

The most popular idea that connects the two is that there was extraterrestrial life on the UFO and it was brought to Area 51 to be researched but obviously the government would not disclose that kind of information to the public. From this another idea, another arose which involves technology. The first computers were created around this time and this was when the technological boom began. Some people say that the technology that we have today is our version of alien technology taken off the UFO. To be honest that is not as crazy as it may sound, think about everything we have today and then think about the world during WWII. The technology we have today is far more advanced than what they had at the time and it all happened within 60 years. You can’t help but to ask yourself “What if?” 

One of a trillion galaxies.
That’s not the only reason I believe something extraordinary happened. The universe is just far too vast for the Earth to be the only planet with life. It is estimated that there are over one trillion trillion stars in the observable universe (that’s like a one followed by 24 zeros) which means that the odds of there being life someplace else is actually pretty good. With all of this said I think it could be possible that something may have landed in Roswell in 1947.Not only because of the odds that aliens could exist but also because of the exponential growth in technology.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster is said to dwell in the deepest depths of Loch Ness in Scotland. It is said to look like a long necked animal but like none the world has seen before. It’s said to be between 15-25 feet long and weigh around 2500 pounds but none of these statements have been confirmed by veritable evidence, they’re just estimates. Now the thought of something as large as this monster living in the depths of the Loch for so long without ever being captured is a tab bit absurd but highly probable. I say this because of the size and depth of the lake it’s said to call home.
The lake is 36.3 kilometers long and 2.7 kilometers wide with an average depth of 132 meters and a maximum depth of 227 meters which make it hard to find even a creature of this monsters size. Another thing that makes it difficult to find this creature is the algae in the lake as it hordes all the light that the sun provides making the depth of the Loch a true abyss. With all of this said I still would not at all be surprised if a monster like this one or one similar to it did exist because the world’s bodies of water are only five percent explored meaning that there is still a pretty good chance that something like this monster may be real. 
Look at the pigmy right whale, a creature of about 21 feet previously thought to be extinct, which was discovered to still be very much alive in 2012. These are called Lazarus Species, creatures that were thought to be extinct for millions of years only to be rediscovered. The name makes reference to when Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead. Who’s to say that the Loch Ness Monster isn’t a Lazarus Species? The creature that resembles it the most is the plesiosaur which has been thought to have been extinct for 65.5 million years. I have no doubt in my mind that the Loch Ness Monster could turn out to be a Lazarus Species whether it is found in the Loch or someplace else.